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The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review

Article Title
Total synthesis and antibacterial testing of the A54556 cyclic acyldepsipeptides isolated from Streptomyces hawaiiensis.EBI
University of Toronto
Development and characterization of improvedß-lactone-based anti-virulence drugs targeting ClpP.EBI
Technische Universit£T M£Nchen
Sclerotiamide: The First Non-Peptide-Based Natural Product Activator of Bacterial Caseinolytic Protease P.EBI
University of Oklahoma Cobre In Structural Biology
Discovery of Novel Peptidomimetic Boronate ClpP Inhibitors with Noncanonical Enzyme Mechanism as Potent Virulence Blockers EBI
Sichuan University
?-Amino Diphenyl Phosphonates as Novel Inhibitors of Escherichia coli ClpP Protease.EBI
University of Antwerp